download project files
What is a media query used for?
to search for media to be embedded on a webpage
to search for media content similar to the webpage
to adjust styles of webpage for devices of various screen sizes
to adjust content of webpages for devices of various screen sizes
What value should be used for the opacity property to make an element 75% transparent?
The space an element takes up on a page is determined by:
width and height
width, height, and border
width, height, border, and padding
width, height, border, padding, and margin
Images saved at a low size and/or low resolution, resulting in smaller file sizes and faster webpage loads, are called

Props to the Public Domain

Create an image gallery from a NYPL collection.

Describe public domain

1. Set up folder structure

The resulting file structure should be as depicted here:

2. Download Images

The New York Public Library provides thousands of digital collections from the public domain that are free to share and reuse. Download 12 or more images from one of these collections and save them into the "images" folder. The images should have either a width or a height of at least 1200px.

3. Prepare Images

Use Adobe PhotoShop or some other photo editing software (GIMP is free) to prepare the images for a web gallery.

4. Create a webpage

Use the index.html page previously created as a web page to showcase the collecition in a gallery.

The thumbnail images should be displayed in the following manner:

This activity will be continued after the next lesson!

nothing extra for this lesson :(